Monday, September 23, 2013

VOCAB. No. 6

1.Adroit-clever or skillful in using the hands or mind
   The man was adroit at his job as a surgeon. 
2.Amicable-having the spirit of friendliness
   There will be an amicable settlement to the once hostile dispute.
3.Averse-having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
   The former spy is not averse to secrecy.
4.Belligerent-hostile or aggressive
   He's a belligerent old man man with no life.
5.Benevolent-well meaning and kindly
   She had a very deceitful benevolent smile.
6.Cursory-something done hasty therefore not being detailed
   He gave a cursory glance at the test answers.
   The word to describe him would be duplicity since he is very deceitful.
8.Extol-to praise something with enthusiasm
   He extolled the virtues of the Roman people.
9.Feasible-possible to do easily or conveniently
   It's not feasible to put most finds on archaeological digs on display.
10.Grimace-an ugly, twisted expression on a persons face
     She gave a grimace of pain as she looked at her broken leg.
11.Holocaust-destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
     The holocaust was one of the darkest points in history.
12.Impervious-not allowing fluid to pass through
     An impervious layer of basaltic clay.
13.Impetus-the force or energy with a body moves
     Hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus.
14.Jeopardy-the danger of loss,harm or failure
     He was in jeopardy of being killed.
15.Meticulous-showing great detail to something
     He worked very meticulously on his essay.
16.Nostalgia-a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past
     A certain nostalgia came over him as soon as he saw his old house.
17.Quintessence-the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
     He was the quintessence of professionalism.
18.Retrogress-to go back to an earlier state
     He retrogressed to the starting point of his rehabilitation.
20.Scrutinize-to examine or inspect closely
     He was scrutinized for his lack of awareness.
21.Tepid-something that is only slightly warm
     The soup was coffee tepid.
22.Accede- to assume an office or position
     The man acceded to the position of the president.
23.Brandish- to waive or flourish something especially a weapon
     He brandished a weapon as he entered the room.
24.Comprise- to be made up of
     The universe comprises of many galaxies,stars,planets and nebula's.
25.Deft- neatly skillful and quick in one's movement
     That person used his deft moves to evade the police.
26.Destitute- without the basic necessities of life
     The charity cares for destitute children.
27.Explicit- stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion
    The policeman's orders were not made explicit.
28.Extirpate- to root out or destroy completely 
     Illegal measures were used in order to extirpate the evil out of the town.
29.Inopportune- something that occurs at a bad time
     The accident happened at an inopportune time.
30.Ironic- something that happens in the opposite way as was expected.
     It was very ironic how the man lost his car.
31.Musty- a very stale or damp smell.
     His whole room had a musty smell to it.
32.Officious- assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering  way.
     The policeman was a very officious man.
33.Ominous- giving the impression that something bad is going to happen
     The house had an ominous feel about it.
34.Pinnacle- a high pointed piece of rock
     I reached the pinnacle of success.
35.Premeditated- to think out or plan something
     The man was charged with premeditated murder.
36.Rampant- something unpleasant flourishing or spreading unchecked
    The tree branches were rampant.
37.Solace- to comfort someone in a time of sadness or distress
     She sought solace in the books she read.
38.Stately- something majestic in manner and appearance
     The planet had a stately look to it.
39.Supple- to bend or move in a graceful way
    The free runner was very supple in his moves.
40.Suppress- to forcibly put an end to
     He suppressed his emotions in the heat of the moment.
41.Venal- to be motivated by bribery
     Why should these venal politicians care how they're perceived.

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