Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tools that change the way we think

Technology has always and will always be a double edged sword. It makes learning new things easier and faster. But the longer people rely on technology of any kind the worse it will be in the future. Being to reliant on anything is negative to a certain point. I also don't like how in the article the co-founder of Google Brin said how in the future Google could augment your brain with the knowledge of the world. At first,if this were to happen it would be cool and convenient. But at what point would your thoughts be fazed out. I'd rather rely on my own thoughts and my own memories and understandings of anything. Its a better way for me to learn and I like learning about new things that interest me. I will use technology in order to find things out and learn about new things. That is how we in today's era learn. I just don't like the whole 'augment' part of the article. It would be like if we became more machine than man. Technology is great and I and the rest of society will continue to use it. However, technology of every kind will not be there one day, then what happens.

Filter Bubbles

a) I learned what filter bubbles are and that you only see what google or other companies think you want to see
b) It proves to me that you only see a sliver of what you want to see or a sliver of what you could possibly see
c) Why should anything be filtered in the first place some would call it censorship
d) Using better search engines

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lit. Analysis No. 3


1) My book is about the life of Jimi Hendrix. It tells of his harsh upbringing in Seattle as a young boy. Through his adolescents and up into his adulthood until his untimely death.
2) Charles R. Cross chose to write about Hendrix because of his interest into his unique life. Especially since Jimi's life had many twists and turns before he became famous. Also since Hendrix is from Seattle where Charles R. Cross has spent all of his professional career as a journalist and editor for many Seattle based magazine's.
3) I chose this book because Hendrix is one of my favorite musicians. And I also wanted to know more about his life before he became famous. I decided to read this book when I really started to listen to his music on a consistent basis. The detail in the book is really incredible. Cross somehow get's information that most people would overlook. The detail about Jimi's childhood is what really drew me in at the beginning of the book.
4) Mostly everything about the book was realistic. There were some stories in the book that seemed to be made up but that was just Jimi's life. There are some similarities of certain instances that happen in the book but that also happened in my life.


1) Author's I think do tend to report about stuff based on their own interpretations. Especially if the thing they are reporting on is an interest to them. I suppose we would see the subject in a different way but only if we had a different image or idea of what they might be like. Cross seemed to write this book just based on his intrigue into Hendrix's life. The only difference between me wanting to know more about Hendrix is that if I want to know more about him it won't compel me to then write a book.
2) Jimi Hendrix was tall was also skinny and had a slight build. He had a mustache and a pretty sizable afro. Dressed in fluorescent colors wore clothes that didn't necessarily match but it didn't matter to him. He is soft spoken most of the time until he got onstage. There was also a certain sadness to him that never really ever went away. This sadness was caused by many events in his life that never left his mind. But he was known for being a joyful guy that liked to party. I would use direct characterization since he has a complex personality.
3) Everything about Hendrix is interesting. From his life and the events that made him the person he was. To his look and his persona on and off the stage. Especially the kind of person he was off the stage the person who not many people knew.


1) One example of direct characterization is where Cross shows his Jimi's caring nature. Although it is about Hendrix and his guitar it showed how much he could care about something. It happened at a music festival in San Francisco where Hendrix after this show became well known. What happened was that during the end of his performance he decided to burn his guitar. And before he did it he told the crowd that what he was about to do was very difficult for him to do. One example of indirect characterization is where Cross shows Jimi's vulnerability and his delicate personality. Hendrix is at a bar in London with a friend and the bartender comes up to him and tells him that his kind isn't welcomed here. Hendrix then proceeds to reply to the bartenders remark but with a stutter Hendrix had as a young boy. Hendrix while replying the remark talks in a quiet, nervous and somewhat afraid manner. The bartender then explains that he didn't mean African Americans weren't allowed but that people in the circus weren't allowed. The bartender mistakenly thought that Hendrix was in the circus based on the way he dressed.
2) Cross does use lengthy descriptions in order to give a better visual to the reader. He doesn't really use this descriptions that involve a lot of dialogue. If he didn't use these lengthy descriptions the book would loss a lot of quality. And the book wouldn't be as good as it is and I may have not have read the book because of that possibility.
3) The authors attitude toward the subject was a good one. He seemed to have a lot of pleasure writing about Hendrix. Even though a lot of his life was filled with sorrow. And the authors attitude towards the readers has to be a good one. Especially since he isn't just writing this book for himself but also for the people and fans of Hendrix. I think any author who writes a biography has to have a good attitude towards the audience because if they don't I think their writing will suffer. And the book would ultimately be not worth writing about.
4) Cross used newspapers, some video recordings but mainly relied on the stories of the family and friends of Hendrix. None of this changes my thinking because without it the book would not be as good as it should be.

Bonus Questions

1) I think that Hendrix learns that he has to be his own person which means he has to be the person he wants to be. Which is hard for him when it comes to his life and especially to the style in which he played the guitar. He learns it when he finally gets confident in his guitar playing skills and his skills as an overall performer. I knew he learned it when I read certain stories of how he performed. Especially when he finally got that supreme confidence in himself after being down on himself for so long. Without this confidence he wouldn't have succeeded.

Enduring Memory

I expect to remember a lot from the book. But I will remember one story of how Hendrix hung out with the Beatles. I'll remember this story because it was an interesting story that could only happen during those times. Another story I will also remember is when Hendrix performed at Woodstock for many reasons. The main reason is that Hendrix was either the last or one of the last performers and at least two thirds of the people there left before he went on. And that Hendrix not long before he went on came up with an alternate version of the star spangled banner. Which is one of the craziest sounding things I've ever heard.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vocab. No.8

1)Cursory-hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
He gave a cursory glance at the article.
2)Impetus-the force or energy in which a body moves.
The wind mill was loosing all of it impetus it once had.
3)Pinnacle-a high pointed piece of rock.
He reached the pinnacle of the mountain.
4)Contumely-insulting language or treatment.
He keeps talking in a very contumely way.
5)Bereavement-the state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one.
In most cases children deal worse with bereavement losses than adults.
6)Cache-a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
He deleted all of his cache of his phone.
7)Consummation-the point at which something is complete or finalized.
The consummation of a sale.
8)Calamity-an event that causes disaster and distress.
The fire was the latest calamity to hit the area.
9)Avarice-extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Our society has a very avarice outlook on how a person should live.
10)Fortify-to strengthen a place with defensive measures to protect them from attacks.
They fortified the castle.
11)Erratic-not even in pattern or movement.
The was breathing in a very erratic rhythm.
12)Ubiquitous-something found everywhere.
His ubiquitous influence was felt in a very profound way.
13)Fortitude-courage in pain and adversity.
He endured his illness with great fortitude.
14)Nonchalant-someone who looks to be calmed or relaxed.
He walked around in a very nonchalant way.
15)Affect-to make a difference to.
The weather began to have an affect on my health.
16)Effect-a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
The lethal effects of drugs can be harsh.
17)Misappropriate-unfairly taking another persons belongings.
The lawyers had misappropriated funds from their firm.
18)Pragmatic-dealing with things in a sensible way.
He had a pragmatic approach to his life.
19)Metacognition- awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.
Metacognition is a very interesting subject to delve into.
20)Devoutly-to do something in a devout manner.
She is a devout Catholic.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Value of Learning/Value of Life

Kapule did the first part of the activities for Hamlet, I'm finishing it off.

Activity 8
 For when that death sleep comes, what dreams may come true
Must make us stop and think, what make us of what makes are troubles last so long
Activity 11
The big issue for him isn't that whether or not he should kill his uncle. It is whether he wants to become the person who kills his uncle. In a way he is very uncomfortable in the situation he is in which isn't his fault but he realizes he must rise to the occasion. And his claim or argument he states has to deal with him being okay with the aftermath and how not only himself but others can deal with their problems they deal with. For me I agree with Hamlet based on how people can live a certain life when there is a lot of bad happening to them or around them.
Activity 12
1) The soliloquy seems to be all logic with some emotion behind it. The reason I think it's logic is because of how he speaks. It's not brash and he's not speaking in a very frantic way. Every word seems to be thought out and picked carefully. There is some emotion to it but not as much as he let's on. The part with emotion is probably where he begins to think of death.Especially since that no one including himself knows what happens to a person beyond that point.
2) He does use emotion in order to get the audience on his side. Also in order to make people feel sympathetic to him. It also helps that up to that point there has been so much in his life that has gone wrong. He does an excellent job to get the audience on his side. Especially since everyone has gone through something tough in their life like Hamlet went through. He makes a connection which is key since most people after this point in the story want Hamlet to succeed.
3)He does use a lot of logic when he speaks. He talks of how when death comes people will do certain things. And he seems to be speaking from experience even though he has yet to go through it. In a way he is scared of what will happen but he seems to have had come to terms with it. Which all people will eventually have to do because they will not be able to escape it.
4)It allows him to value life because that is what he is doing. He has been thrust into valuing it because of the situation he is in. He is valuing his life but in a way is valuing all peoples lives. And he can do this because of how he feels. He feels lost and without hope since his father was killed. And I think he begins to dissect value of a life since he is unsure how he will handle taking one.
5)They are worth considering based on how people are able to discuss them. And not just to take them as all literal and factual. It seems as if Shakespeare wanted  the audience to have this discussion. Because to him it is a discussion worth having. Especially since if you ask someone how they would value their personal life they wouldn't know how to answer it. And if you asked them to value another persons life they wouldn't know how and probably wouldn't be comfortable doing it. Since people who are uncomfortable with things tend not want to discuss them. Do I think people should have this discussion, I think it entirely depends on if people are invested in the topic. I don't lean either way since the topic doesn't interest me.
Activity 10
'a sea of troubles'
It means a wide and vast amount of issues that Hamlet has dealt with and will have to deal with later on in the story.
'the whips and scorns of time'
This means all of those beatings from a physical and emotional standpoint that have happened throughout a persons life.
'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune'
This means that all that has happened is unfortunate but you must deal with the situation in some way.
Activity 9
'Sling and arrows of outrageous fortune' is a bad outlook on life since in this instance he is being attacked with many difficult problems.
'A sea of troubles' is also a bad outlook on life since he has had many troubles to deal with and he knows he will have to deal with some in the future.
At this point in the story Hamlet is a pessimist since he can't really look on the bright side. Not to say that there isn't but it's hard to think positive in his crazy circumstance. If he was and optimist he would be giving himself a lot of false hope. The only thing that can possibly make things better for him is to kill his uncle. Which may bring him some closure on the situation.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Although very recently tragedy has fell upon me, my life has yet to conclude. Which means I have a lot to accomplish in my remaining time. I was once fearful of thinking about my future. I now know that no matter what my future is I'm glad I have one. To fear your future is to make your life stagnate. You limit yourself by doing this. I've decided to not limit myself, I will make something out of what I have. I will not, cannot and should not limit myself. Because to limit yourself is to die a protracted monotonous life. That life will not be mine.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Literature Analysis 2


1)The book is about the life and times of Benjamin Franklin. It tells of his family history before he was born and you learn about his upbringing. It then delves into him as a young child which goes into him as a young man. Then into him as a man during the revolution and as an old man.
2)Walter Isaacson chose to write about Benjamin Franklin because he had an interest in his life, he also wanted to know more about Franklin before he became the man he is remembered for.
3)This book came to my attention when at first I was looking at a book about John Brown. And as I was looking I saw the title of the book and decided to get it. The reason I chose to read this book was because I wanted to learn more about him and what kind of a person he was.
4)The entire book felt realistic to me there was nothing about it that made me think otherwise. I made a connection with it because of how Benjamin Franklin wanted to learn so much about different things. I also have this interest but not to the extent that Franklin had.


1)I think Isaacson interpreted his findings as best as he could especially since he had to do extensive digging to find out things about Franklin's life. His tone throughout the book is a upbeat tone except when talking about a death that happened.
2)Benjamin Franklin was about six feet tall wasn't really big but was well built. He acted with great kindness towards others. He also was a very bright person who was interested in many things. Was known for being a leader from the time he was a kid. Was adventurous and willing to take chances when he wanted to test something out. I would characterize him directly especially since there is so much to him as a person. Including how he seemed to separate some things from others in his life.
3)Franklin is such an interesting person that you could write a whole book just talking about him as an old man. But when you write about his whole life there is so much ground to cover. He accomplished so much in his life from being a politician to a diplomat to a scientist.


1)One example of direct characterization would be when Walter Isaacson describes Franklin and how he looks. An indirect characterization would be when Isaacson tells of a story when Franklin as a young boy and how he invents swimming paddles to make swimming easier. It shows how from a young age he had ingenious ideas to make things easier. I think he does both because it makes Franklin more of a dynamic character that he was.
2)I guess it does because there is more detail in certain sentences than others. I think he does this in order for his readers to get a better understanding on the person or situation. If he didn't do this it would make his sentences not as good as they should've been.
3)Benjamin Franklin is obviously a dynamic character he changes throughout the story. He becomes more of the person he ends up being through every little thing that has an effect on him. And there was a lot that happened to him whether he was an apprentice as a young man or a founding father later in his life.
4)After reading the book I felt as if I had met he real person. The detail in the book contributes to me feeling this way since there is so much in it. You get to know a lot of things about Franklin that you didn't realize happened to him.


1)He didn't use much foreshadowing but you did realize certain things that were familiar in the life of Benjamin Franklin's life and other family members life. He did use symbolism by describing things that Franklin did in his life. Such as something he wrote or even the name of a poem or short story that he did at some point in his life.
2)Isaacson mainly focuses on the descriptions of people and of certain places. He did occasionally did focus on the dialogue but only when it was from a line of one of Franklin's writings. I think he made the right choice by focusing on how good the descriptions were. Especially since there was not much important dialogue to worry about or to even care about.
3)From the parts that I clearly remember he had that upbeat tone throughout. Which made the book a pleasure to read especially since the book in a way was celebrating his life.
4)His attitude towards Franklin was a good one. He didn't seem to have had any resentment or ill will towards Franklin in any way. He did seem to have an admiration to him for all that he did for this country and for all that he did as an individual.
5)The resources he used included Benjamin Franklin's own autobiographies. Also some article written about him from the time he was well known and living to articles remembering him. He also had help from historians from the time that he was living. To historians who were experts on the life and times of Benjamin Franklin. This had know effect on my thinking especially since researching Benjamin Franklin was difficult.


I don't expect to remember every little thing in the book. But I will remember the humble start of one of the most brilliant men to have ever existed. Knowing that he was once a simple apprentice working in a printing press to then becoming a founding father of this country will always amaze me.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

to be or not to be

To exist as the person he wants to be or has to be
Whether it is better to suffer because of his options and position he's in
And to suffer from the bad luck that has fell upon him
Or to fight back against the opposing force
And to end them by fighting back
To die, to sleep
By sleep to put an end to the emotional pain and stress
That we are subject to
To die, to sleep
Maybe even to dream , there's the catch 
For when that death sleep comes, what dreams will come true
Must make us stop and think ,what makes our troubles last so longWho would tolerate the problems that time brings
The injustice of the oppressor the proud man's arrogance 
The pain of love and the law
The contempt of our superiors and the rejection
That happens to those who don't deserve them 
And when he decides to end it with a dagger
He would then bear the burden of his choice
To complain and sweat under a tough life 
But that the dread of something after death 
The unknown region from which no one come back from 
The region confuses the mind and makes us prefer to endure our troubles rater than to venture out 

 In this way we all become afraid
And then our true colors show
And the person we want to be or should doesn't really matter
And neither do those who are powerful
Everything now becomes completely derailed
And  they then become stagnate
Hey now the lovely Ophelia
Women in your prayers may have you forgiven but remembered my sins

VOCAB. No. 7

1)Cursory-hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
He gave a cursory glance at the article.
2)Impetus-the force or energy in which a body moves.
The wind mill was loosing all of it impetus it once had.
3)Pinnacle-a high pointed piece of rock.
He reached the pinnacle of the mountain.
4)Contumely-insulting language or treatment.
He keeps talking in a very contumely way.
5)Bereavement-the state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one.
In most cases children deal worse with bereavement losses than adults.
6)Cache-a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
He deleted all of his cache of his phone.
7)Consummation-the point at which something is complete or finalized.
The consummation of a sale.
8)Calamity-an event that causes disaster and distress.
The fire was the latest calamity to hit the area.
9)Avarice-extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Our society has a very avarice outlook on how a person should live.
10)Fortify-to strengthen a place with defensive measures to protect them from attacks.
They fortified the castle.
11)Erratic-not even in pattern or movement.
The was breathing in a very erratic rhythm.
12)Ubiquitous-something found everywhere.
His ubiquitous influence was felt in a very profound way.
13)Fortitude-courage in pain and adversity.
He endured his illness with great fortitude.
14)Nonchalant-someone who looks to be calmed or relaxed.
He walked around in a very nonchalant way.
15)Affect-to make a difference to.
The weather began to have an affect on my health.
16)Effect-a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
The lethal effects of drugs can be harsh.
17)Misappropriate-unfairly taking another persons belongings.
The lawyers had misappropriated funds from their firm.
18)Pragmatic-dealing with things in a sensible way.
He had a pragmatic approach to his life.
19)Metacognition- awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.
Metacognition is a very interesting subject to delve into.
20)Devoutly-to do something in a devout manner.
She is a devout Catholic.