Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Vocab. No.8

1)Cursory-hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
He gave a cursory glance at the article.
2)Impetus-the force or energy in which a body moves.
The wind mill was loosing all of it impetus it once had.
3)Pinnacle-a high pointed piece of rock.
He reached the pinnacle of the mountain.
4)Contumely-insulting language or treatment.
He keeps talking in a very contumely way.
5)Bereavement-the state of sorrow over the death or departure of a loved one.
In most cases children deal worse with bereavement losses than adults.
6)Cache-a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.
He deleted all of his cache of his phone.
7)Consummation-the point at which something is complete or finalized.
The consummation of a sale.
8)Calamity-an event that causes disaster and distress.
The fire was the latest calamity to hit the area.
9)Avarice-extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
Our society has a very avarice outlook on how a person should live.
10)Fortify-to strengthen a place with defensive measures to protect them from attacks.
They fortified the castle.
11)Erratic-not even in pattern or movement.
The was breathing in a very erratic rhythm.
12)Ubiquitous-something found everywhere.
His ubiquitous influence was felt in a very profound way.
13)Fortitude-courage in pain and adversity.
He endured his illness with great fortitude.
14)Nonchalant-someone who looks to be calmed or relaxed.
He walked around in a very nonchalant way.
15)Affect-to make a difference to.
The weather began to have an affect on my health.
16)Effect-a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
The lethal effects of drugs can be harsh.
17)Misappropriate-unfairly taking another persons belongings.
The lawyers had misappropriated funds from their firm.
18)Pragmatic-dealing with things in a sensible way.
He had a pragmatic approach to his life.
19)Metacognition- awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes.
Metacognition is a very interesting subject to delve into.
20)Devoutly-to do something in a devout manner.
She is a devout Catholic.

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