Thursday, January 16, 2014

Visual Storytelling

One technique that can make visual storytelling effective is the lighting. Whether it's the overall lighting of the whole scene or the lighting of an individual character. It can have an effect that can allow the viewer to keen in on something that is important that the director may want you to notice. There also is the music which is one of the most important aspects of the storytelling. It's the directors way of trying to make you feel a certain way. And another effective way of storytelling is the camera angles. They can be broad to show you a lot which can give you a good understanding. But the broad angles can also be used to try to overwhelm or make you look all over the place as you try to notice everything. Then there are the small compact shots that usually focus on one important item or thing. There are also the unusual angles that can distort or even give an eerie feeling to a specific scene or item.

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